Multi-Modal Transportation Meeting
MTBMA is hosting its annual Multi-Modal Transportation Meeting on Tuesday, November 28. ACEC/MD is a supporting organization for the event.
Hilton BWI Airport
To register, visit:
Event Details
The MDOT Multi-Modal Meeting informs members on the next fiscal year’s transportation plans in regard to all business units in MD. Funding updates, current project highlights, and forecasted opportunities.
Multi-Modal Transportation Meeting
Opening Remarks by:
Chris Van Hollen, U.S. Senator, Maryland
Brandon Scott, Mayor, Baltimore City
MDOT’s Message to the Industry
MDTA Project Opportunities
SHA Program & Opportunities
SHA Funding & Highlighted Projects
Coffee Break with:
Opportunity to meet your SHA district engineers!
MDOT SHA Districts 1 – 7
MTA Project Opportunities / Purple Line Project Update
MPA Project Opportunities
Amtrak’s Program Opportunities
Current & Forecasted BWI Projects
BCDOT Project Opportunities